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The Roman Period

The traces of ancient Roman civilization

There are many traces and signs that testify the presence, in different areas of the Park, of forms of ancient settlement.

The Rocche Plateau is a district rich of history, architectural and archaeological importance. In the period before the Roman conquest it was a borderland between Vestini, Marsi and Equi. The Marsica has always been a strategic area being a place of passage between the Tyrrhenian Sea and Adriatic Sea, through Via Claudia Valeria, on which arises the ancient Roman town of Alba Fucens.
In Subequana and Aterno areas there are many discoveries. The human presence in these valleys has been established since prehistoric times; the "Italic" period is documented by the presence of fortified centres with necropolis on high ground places, the Roman period was witnessed by countless remains and inscriptions, among them - for considerable historical importance - point out the one found in Supereaquum in territory of Castelvecchio Subequo.
Alba Fucens
(photo by: PR Sirente Velino)
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